Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Nursery Part II

My sweet, sweet husband had a suprise waiting on me today when I got home... he had cleaned out the nursery (previously an office), painted the one pink wall in Baby Reese's room (with the help of D.D.), and bought and hung the chandelier that I had picked out a few weeks ago!!!

Here is a current picture of the nursery...yes, there is only one pink wall. As stated in the previous post, Dear First Born, I am not a huge fan of pink. So this is as much as I can stand on the walls of my house!

Doesn't every little princess deserve a chandelier in her bedroom?? Our little princess certainly had to have this hanging from her ceiling...

I would have had pictures of the painting and moving of office furniture, but Adam did all of this as a suprise so I have no documentation of this momentus occasion.

In other news...we have had some serious moving and shaking going on in our yard in the last few months. Here is our house a few weeks ago...

And....here it is this week...look closely at the foundation with those lovely rocks plastered on the previously tacky block

Please pay no attention to the DEAD grass...we had to plant grass that grew throughtout the winter and dies in the summer to help cut down on the amount of mud in our yard over the last few months. We have now planted summer grass, but it hasn't grown enough to see yet. I know, I know, I need plants in the front yard! I am trying to grow a baby. I don't have time for all this yard work!

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