Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Catching Up...Thanksgiving

Since I have been forced back into the real world I have internet access everyday...because...have I mentioned that high speed isn't available where we live????? It seems like I have mentioned something about that before:) So...there is a silver lining to this thing called work:) Somehow I forgot to upload our Thanksgiving day photos...possibly because I spent the last two weeks holding my sweet baby!

How about this snazzy little dress with a turkey on it. MeeMaw made it.

Nothing excites me like my Nanny's Thanksgiving dinner! You just haven't lived until you have eaten her dressing. Unfortunately, she only cooks it twice a year...Thanksgiving and Christmas. And wouldn't it be true that I am trying to lose the last of this baby weight right when she is slaving over a hot oven! Oh well, I had two serving and took some home!
MeeMaw, Nanny, Reese, and Mommy...makes 4 generations

PeePaw and MeeMaw

My niece Andi...I think in this picture she could actually pass for Adam's kid

Andi was singing Jesus Loves Me to Reese

Nanny with all of the great grand kids

The sweet little nephews...except they aren't so little anymore:(
Don't you love Little Red's boots over his jeans! Such a funny little kid! And for Christmas this year I am telling Santa that I want everyone to quit growing up so fast. My heart can't take it!

Isn't it funny how people flock to a new baby!

Jolie LOVES babies! Did I say love? She LOVES them! She is such a little mother hen.

After having lunch at my Nanny's we went to Adam's Granny's for dinner.

Ms. Bobbie, one of the sweet ladies D.D. and Big Daddy go to church with.

Brooklyn and Jaycie- Adam's cousins.

D.D. and Big Daddy

And on Friday Reese got to watch her first Iron Bowl. I had to get up first thing that morning and put her outfit on her or Adam would have beat me to it and dressed her in crimson!


  1. Elena she is absolutely beautiful!!! And she is so cute in the thanksgiving dress! And have I mentioned you look rocking?? Really you look soo good! You cannot tell that you had a baby a little over 2 months ago!! :)

  2. Oh my...such a sweet comment! Thank you...but let me tell things never go back to where they were before baby:)
