Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

(Side note: Turn away now if sentiment makes you nauseous. Consider yourself warned.)

Happy first Father's Day A-Master! I knew from the start that you would make somebody an amazing husband one day and I also knew that some lucky little kid would one day call you their Daddy. On both accounts you have not disappointed. Our favorite part of the day is when we hear your truck pulling into the driveway because home isn't home until your there.

The first gift Reese had picked out for this monumental day was a new fan and the first season of Modern Family.....and then when you started dropping hints 4 days ago about wanting an electric razor we had to regroup and get a new game plan. (Nothing like a little advance notice.) And lets all admit it- nothing speaks Father's Day like an electric razor.

It wasn't just Adam's first Father's Day, but also the first day Reese crawled. There were reports that this had happened on Friday and Saturday, but I didn't see it. And we all know it's not official until Momma sees it. (It's sad that Adam was taking his required Sunday afternoon nap and missed it, but I'm sure there will be plenty more of that for him to see.)

Happy Father's Day! We love you!

1 comment:

  1. So SWEET! That is a WONDERFUL picture of Reese and her daddy on his FIRST FATHER'S DAY!!
