I knew this time around I didn't want the sonogram lady telling us the gender of the baby, so I arrived at my appointment with my envelope in hand. I asked her not to tell me anything she saw, but to write it on the note card inside the envelope and seal it up with the sonogram inside. I got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat, and then she told me to close my eyes while she, "looked around." I had my doubts she would be able to see anything because last week "it" had its legs crossed and was not showing a thing. When she was done I asked if she could see anything and with a lot of confidence she said, "oh yeah." She folded up the sonogram picture and wrote the gender on a note card and sealed it. (Adam had to work and couldn't make this appointment.)
I left the doctors office and went straight to a florist in town. I left the envelope and the trunk with them. I ran a few errands while they filled the trunk with the appropriate balloons, and left the envelope with the proof in the bottom of the trunk (The trunk belonged to Adam's great-somebody. I can't remember right this second and when I saw it a few weeks ago I knew I wanted to use it for the reveal.) It irritated me a little that I had been so confident about the gender all along. I hate know-it-alls, so I don't want to be one in this situation, but I knew with Reese she was a girl and I knew this one was a girl. I can't explain it, I just knew and it irritated me because I wanted to be surprised. About 2 weeks ago I told the sonogram lady that it was a girl, and she said she didn't see any reason that I was wrong. That irritated me even more because I did not want her to confirm my belief. I was just trying to make conversation with her.
While we were waiting on our parents to arrive, Reese walked over to the trunk, pushed on it, and said, "sompin in there." I had already told her our surprise was in there. After it was all over she kept whining that she, "wanna go get my baby siser!" I am pretty sure she thought the baby was in the trunk. Bless her heart, I know she must have been disappointed when it was just pink balloons.
Except no. No, she was not disappointed. She took those balloons and ran around all night.
I love this picture of Adam checking out the proof. It's almost as if he can't believe it. He is officially going to live in a house filled with little girls. Bless him;) He said he wouldn't have it any other way. I can't tell you how many times I have already been asked if we are going to try again for a boy. I don't know the answer to that, but we are not at all disappointed with a second girl. I have said it before; Adam is not one of those men who has to have a son, and I love that Reese will have a sister. (My daddy on the other hand? As the balloons came out of the trunk, (and I quote) "we ain't never gonna get a boy.")
So the funny part was that I had my sister take pictures with my camera because I thought for sure she was up for the challenge. Good thing my mother made the picture of us seeing the balloons in the trunk for the first time because my camera now holds pictures of before opening the trunk, and then Reese running around with the balloons afterward. HAHA.
Reese cast her vote for a "bruder" and I confidently cast mine for a girl. Adam and Jolie also voted for a girl, and I think MeeMaw voted for a girl.
And the majority was wrong.