Thursday, October 24, 2013

About what I said yesterday....

I lied about the whole last day of work thing. Apparently I love playing with fire because I went on back to the ole school house today and I'm planning to go back tomorrow. And honestly, if I make it, I might just keep on next week.

I need to clarify what I said yesterday. Rather, be more precise. Dr. Ballard said I could go any day, but she has also had people in similar positions still have to be induced at 40 weeks. She did say that I would not make it to an induction though. So there's that. Don't you love the little mind game that having a baby plays on you? It's a lot of fun to just sit and wait- which is exactly why I came on back to work. I'd gone nuts if I had too much time on my hands to think about it. 

Personally, I don't think it is time yet. I still don't have the full blown about-to-have-a-baby-nose-spread-across-my-face look yet. Adam says she will be here between 2 and 6 on Saturday which is during the Alabama game. I'm thinking she might decide to be our anniversary present on Sunday. Or, hey we might still be waiting this time next week.

Here are a few things about Reese I don't want to forget (and if memory serves me correctly, having a newborn in the house is going to make my mind a little fuzzy so I need to get this out there now.) 

When she sings Farmer and the Dell she says, "hi-ho did ya know" instead of "hi-ho the derry-o."

She pretends to call Diego and after she listens to what he says with a very concerned look on her face she says, "to da reshue" instead of rescue.

When I pick her up everyday she wants a treat out of the treasure box. I always make her ask if she has been good that day before she can get anything. She turns to Liz and says, "I be sweet today?" Most days she picks out a pack of gummies. Since she knows her daddy is also a big fan of gummies she tries to save him one: "I save dis one for daddy." One afternoon the temptation was too much. I saw her lick the one she was saving for him while she walked around holding it. Finally she decided to put it in the refrigerator for safe keeping until he got home. When he got there, she showed him the one she saved for him, but she went ahead and ate it before he got a chance to. Little junk food junky.   

They learned the R-E-D song at Liz's. Adam and I had to google the lyrics to figure out that she was saying, "firetrucks are red, stop signs are too." It sounds just like she said, "firetrucks are red, something are too." We thought she was saying the word "something" because she didn't know the real word in the song.

When things aren't going her way, for instance if her sock isn't on correctly, she says "my sock not doin' no right."

She told us last night that she wanted Elynn to get new paci's so she could have the old ones. (Elynn did get her own brand new paci's, Reese just doesn't know that or she would try to play with them.) She also said she wants new markers and "red jama's" from Santa Clause.

Reese is officially a dance school drop out. At what age should we give the "if you quit this you'll be a quitter the rest of your life" speech? Please tell me that rule doesn't apply to 3 year olds. After a month at dance, she still wouldn't let me out of her sight so I asked her and she told me she didn't want to go back. It was that very day we hung up our ballet shoes. We'll try again next year. Minus the ballet. She was much more fond of tumbling.

And that's all I can remember, so now I'm going to sit my big self down and wait it out. You'll be the first to know if something happens.

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