Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Forever House

When I was a wee little lad, I told my momma and daddy that I was going to build a house on this hill one day. Of course, back then I said it was going to be a 7 story house with all my pets on the top floor. Clearly, I was out of touch with reality. I also agreed to pay my daddy somewhere around $40 an hour to build it. At this point, I wish I would have made him sign a contract on that price because $40 an hour is sounding cheap.

 They started digging the foundation Thursday, September 4th. By Tuesday of the next week the foundation was done and the flooring system started going down. It is distant, but here we are. Our first family picture at the Forever House. (And I say that because in the last almost 7 years of marriage, this is mine and Adam's 4th and final house project.The first house project we sold before we ever got married. Then we lived in the next 2 projects, but this is the last one. Adam enjoys this sort of thing, but me? Not so much. But the good thing about this not being our first rodeo is that we know what we like and we know what we want. Nobody will be waiting on us to make a decision, that is for sure.)

By the end of last week the walls were up. We had to make a few changes in the door set up in the girls' rooms and the window spacing in our room, but otherwise it has all gone as planned. 

 We have only had one minor argument at this point. I will just tell y'all that I married a good, good man. He is big enough to admit when I am right. Which I was, but I wouldn't dare say it to his face. I thought somebody needed to be there the day they started the foundation just to be sure that this Forever House was angled the correct way. Adam thought that was totally ridiculous. Just so you know, it all almost went south when Adam called me to say, "I hate to even tell you this, but they almost put the garage in wrong place." You can't even imagine how far back in my head my eyes rolled. See? Somebody needed to be there. Luckily, that all got handled and the garage is exactly where it needs to be. Which makes the whole thing about me being right irrelevant.

Adam predicts we will be in the Forever House in the Spring. If we get in it before school starts next year I will be surprised.