Sunday, February 20, 2011

5 months!

Reese is 5 months old!!!

Weight: 13lbs 6 ounces (according to our scales)
Height: 25 inches
Wears 3-6 month old clothes, but most of the pants are long on her.
Has done so good sleeping in her own bed and sleeping all night long until last week when she got sick (and someone tried to steal/kill us). But she is back in her bed now.
Gets rocked to sleep every night which is my favorite time of the day. That is also the only time of day that she will snuggle and lay her head on our shoulder.
Loves to kick her chubby little legs!

I am so in love with this little tutu so I have made her picture several times trying to get a really good one, but she has gotten so good at rolling from her stomach to her back I couldn't get one. All I could get was the rolling over action.

Is there anything cuter than a naked baby????

She eats 4 ounces every 2 to 3 hours
She also loves bananas and any combination of fruits. Pear, strawberry, granola seems to be her favorite. She doesn't eat food every night because it seems to hurt her stomach a little.

This is her favorite toy

She has gotten better at holding her bottle, but she still had to have some help.

Got some teddy bears for her first Valentines Day

And even got some gifts at daycare which made me feel like a real loser since all I sent was cards. But next year I will be more prepared and send candy/goodies with her cards.

I love this picture. She looks like she is taking life real serious.

MeeMaw gave her this outfit and really, isn't it so cute?

She likes to keep her momma and daddy close, but her binky closer!! She always wants it close by.

She is so intrigued with her tutu.

And seems to be tired of all of the "I'm 5 months old" pictures.

I had just gotten this head band in and she kept crossing her eyes looking at the flower on her head.

Loves to chew on her pointer finger, and has started grabbing her feet. And she drools A LOT!

Doesn't she look like she is posing for this one?

Looks more like her daddy everyday!

Is a monster when she gets sleepy!!!!

Loves getting bath

Lays on this blanket and talks and laughsvwhile looking up at the TV

Thursday night Adam had been cleaning up around the house while telling me, "Don't worry about the house. I know you have been busy.....busy holding her and watching the hair on her head grow." Yep, I sure have. Becuase ya'll know what she has been busy doing? Growing up.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Reese is a flat out doll! She is definitely one of those little girls who makes me scared of having little girls because I can't imagine one much cuter!!! The 4/5 month stage is one I wish lasted just a little longer

  3. When that little Reese smiles I can't help but smile myself! It's crazy how fast this first 5 months went isn't it. You just take your time watching the little hairs on her head grow!
