I can't even tell y'all how proud I am of our little off spring. I had some concerns about school starting back and her return to "Betebez" house. This summer she went to Liz's 3 times and cried every single time, but it's like she just knew it was time to go back because she has been happy as a pig in the sunshine every morning this week.
Or maybe she was tired of me.
No. No, that couldn't have been it.
Last Friday we made a final before-school-starts-back trip to town to stock up on the essential. She got bags and got us some "begebles." Not that she is going to let a vegetable grace the presence of her mouth.
Somebody has taken her to the fish area before...and it wasn't me. If it poops or needs to be fed, it ain't coming to our house (with the exception of the wee little one on the way. Other than that, momma can't take on any more responsibility.). Oh, but she just stared longingly at those tanks. (P.S.This is mainly for the grandparents- anybody that gives her a fish for her upcoming birthday will be kindly removed from the invitation list next year.)
I have decided that Sunday is the designated ironing day. I know this make me some kind of weirdo, but I actually enjoying cleaning the house. I don't know why. I don't understand it. But ironing??? Not so much. My 2 least favorite chores are folding up clothes and ironing. Which is exactly why Reese and Elynn will inherit those 2 chores the second they are old enough. So Sunday I was ironing a whole stack of clothes (mostly Adam's because did y'all know that I married a man who needs to look at least semi nice at work which requires ironed clothes?)
Allow me to digress and tell a story. One night a long, long time ago when we were wee little college students, BFF Steph and I were sitting around a campfire with Adam and his BFF Adam. Steph and I were discussing how "all these losers guys we had met at school were getting business degrees. Ugh. Who wants to marry a business man? They travel a lot and probably lead whole other lives in these places they travel to." We probably went on and on about how that had happened in some Danielle Steele book we had read and this man had another wife in another town and blah blah blah. Then we said, "so what are y'all majoring in?" In unison both Adams said, "business." Well, sure.
Fast forward roughly 8 years and here I am spending my Sunday afternoons ironing my business man of a husbands button up shirts and khakis. And let me go on record for saying that I absolutely wouldn't trade it for anything. Well. Except maybe the traveling part. I'm not a fan of the traveling, but it has nothing to do with him leading another life in another town...it's more about my very mature, not-at-all-paranoid belief that somebody is stalking me and going to try to break in and kill me while he is gone.
Anyway, Reese wanted her own "sqwirter and rubber." All I had was fabric freshener and a meat tenderizer. After she ironed several items she put them all in the dryer "cause they need da be washed." Note to self: teach her the order of laundry before giving that chore over to her.
After I got home from school Monday and saw all of the posts on Facebook of kids going to kindergarten and all that, I got on my knees and thanked the sweet Lord that my baby has a late birthday and is another 3 years away from real school. I'm convinced that school is when it all changes including their little chubby, dimpled knuckles and elbows. And, oh my heart, I can't bear the thought. (I would also include that school is where they get smart mouths, but she is only 2 and she already has one of those.) (It's a good thing Adam doesn't know how to comment on the blog because right here is where he would say that she got her smart mouth genetically from me. All I can say is there are 2 sides to that story and the other side comes directly from his 50% of her genetic make up.)
Here she was Monday morning on her first day back to "school." 6 o'clock came early for her especially considering she had gotten used to sleeping till 8:30.
And in other news happenings from this week, Uncle G took her for a stroll in her cozy coupe, and she had it just like she liked it- feet propped up telling him to "go fasta."
Last weekend she stood up on her chair and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Fwirst of all..." I can't even imagine where she heard that.
One night Adam was reading a book to her before bed and he was trying to get her to say the colors on the page and read the words and all that. She huffed loudly and said, "Daddy, go ahead. Wead da book." She could not be bothered with all that knowing her colors business.
So do y'all remember how much I hate needles? I talked way more than was necessary about it when I was pregnant with Reese. Since then I have gotten better. Not accepting of it, but better. This week I had to get the Rhogam shot. Reese went with me and has told everybody what a big girl I was when I got a shot. Now lays before me the final mountain in the pregnancy journey...the epidural. I did not have a pleasant experience the first time around, and I'm even more worried about it this time. What bothers me even more is that it is only 11 to 12 weeks away. That barely gives me enough time to worry myself into hysterics about it.