Wears mostly 12 month clothes, size 3 diapers, and has just gotten into a size 3 shoe. She has tiny little feet!
She has 2 teeth on the bottom and 2 on the top. Since I am late about posting this I guess it should wait until next months post, but last night I found 2 shiney new molar teeth on the top. Off and on lately she has been whiney and I think this explains why. She is also working on 2 more teeth near the front.
She loves milk. I feel quiet sure that she would live on milk alone if we didn't make her eat. She also likes Puffs in all flavors. She sometimes likes raisins, carrots, potatoes, mac and cheese, peas, and sweet potatoes from time to time. However, a couple of times recently she has gone to the cabinet her food is in and brought me baby food that is in there that she wants to eat. Maybe her appetite is getting better.
She is SO busy! All. the. time. While I am cleaning up one mess she is making another one.
She usually goes to sleep between 7:00 and 8:00 and gets up around 7 on the weekends. The last couple of weekends she has taken 2 hour naps on Sunday.
She still loves to carry around a bath rag. Sometimes she will cover her babies up with it like it's a blanket. Sometimes she puts it over her face and walks around until she runs into something.
She has a TEMPER! I can see a lot of problems in our future concerning her attitude. She loves to stand on my chair in the living room and the couch. When we tell her to sit down she just laughs. If we go toward her she sits really quick, but then stands up as soon as we turn around.
Yesterday afternoon she stood at the door for a solid 5 minutes crying while intermittently saying "mama" and "out-side" (which is 2 words according to her vocabulary). It got to be more than I could stand so outside we went. Mostly she wants to just run around. (And away from me.) We stayed outside until it was so dark I was having a hard time seeing her when she went in her playhouse. I am now strategizing a plan for setting up a tent in the yard with some type of fencing to pen her in this summer. Oh, and a lounge chair for her momma because I ain't what I used to be. "Out-side" wears me out. (P.S. If you happen to be the neighbor that drove by and saw me in my pajama pants please accept my sincere apology. I tried to hide behind that tree so you wouldn't judge me, but you were driving so fast I didn't make it.)
She drives this little walker like she stole it;)
She is a big help with the garbage.
She found this in her closet and wanted it on. And then 2.5 seconds later she wanted it off.
Uncle G gave her this "boon" for Valentines day and she is still playing with it.
I have always read to her, but only recently has she gotten interested enough to go get a book and bring it to us to read. I really want her to love the books!
This weekend she helped her Daddy build a place for her swing.
She LOVES makeup. Did I mention she LOVES it? She has to put on her makeup everytime she sees me putting on mine.
She is constantly going to our closet and digging around or standing on the step ladder that's in there. Sunday she found this tank top and wanted Adam to put it on her.
She always wants to look outside at Dixie and Autie. Anytime we ask her where Dixie is she will push this box in front of the door and stand on it to see them. She really loves those dogs, but they don't see to be all that crazy about her. Actually she loves all animals. When we go over to MeeMaw and PeePaws she starts saying "moo" because she knows she will see the cows going up the driveway.
Helping her Daddy outside gets a girls hands dirty! She never turns down an opportunity to wash her hands.
Blessing her food. She whispers and looks around during every prayer.

This past Sunday was the first sermon that I have gotten to hear at church in at least 2 months. The Sunday's that I have Children's Church or nursery duty she goes with me and plays. The other Sunday's when I take her to the nursery she will cry hysterically when I try to leave. The last time that I left her the nursery workers came and got me during the service because "you have a VERY unhappy baby." We also tried to let Adam take her and leave her. He never came back from the nursery that Sunday so I knew she wouldn't let him leave. But this past Sunday we did what all good Southern Baptist do and hurried from Sunday School to get the back pew. This was all in an effort so she could stay in the service with us and not interrupt people behind us. It worked beautifully. She looked at pictures on our phones, played with the pencil and paper I had brought for her, and ate her puffs. So what I want to know is how some of you keep your kids quiet in church? Or are yours more cooperative and go to the nursery? I know some of you are thinking that I need to just leave her back there and let her cry but I can't do it. I already leave her everyday to go to work. Is there some awesome phone app that would keep her quiet? I know our current tactics won't work forever.
We go to a pretty big congregation and we sit toward the back. It's kind of a family-with-kids section so we all kind of understand. These are what I have found to work with Ellie: She LOVES stickers so I have some that we only get out at church and she just goes through them. She will stick them on me, on Dustin, on her, hand them to Laurie or Leigh, whatever, it keeps her quiet. :) The older little girl that I keep uses markers so Ellie has decided that she needs to use markers...which made a problem. I got some of the color wonder markers and paper and that is PERFECT for her. Again, we only get that stuff out at church. I try not to take her to the nursery because I don't want her to get used to playing instead of staying in the auditorium, but she doesn't like it when we leave her either.
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty much a wrestling match on Sundays, but I think we're doing good to be setting a standard and being there!!! :) Good luck!!!