Sunday morning I walked into the bathroom and Adam said, "Momma, we need one of those hicky-do's." That is code for ponytail holder. I love to see men raising daughters;) Particularly this pair.
I splurged a couple weeks ago and bought myself a Nikon DSLR. I had buyers remorse for a second until I started reading blogs about how to use the more technical aspects of it. Plus a big thanks to Abby Butler for giving my a personal lesson. I've got a lot to learn, but I love it!
Friday night and Saturday morning we cleaned out Reese's closet and moved her toys into her room from the playroom. The following is a conversation we had:
Reese: Uh doin Momma? (What are you doing Momma)
Me: Cleaning out your closet to make room for your baby brother or sister.
Reese: (very loudly and very annoyed) Uggggh.
There is a common consensus among those who know her best that she is going to struggle with this adjustment.
She found an old photo album from when Adam and I were dating. She kept asking in a really confused voice, "That Momma? That Daddy?" I know baby. Momma used to not look so tired all the time;) Motherhood ages a girl.
She found this little ensemble and insisted on wearing it.
She wears panties a lot at daycare, and when she comes home she often takes her diaper off by herself. She does pretty good until she gets busy and forgets to go to the potty. If I'm not in there with her she will come find me and say, "Momma com ere" while she motions with her hands for me to follow her. Then she proudly shows me that she tee teed in the potty. I always tell her how proud I am,and clap, and go on and on about it. Yesterday I forgot to tell her I was proud and she said, "You poud Momma?" We are just letting the potty training come as it will. I am too tired to try and force that on her, but she is ready. I just can't imagine the first time we leave the house with her in panties. I think I need one of these car seat protectors I saw on Pinterest.

She found my flat iron in the floor and started "pixin" her hair. Disclaimer to the grandparents: It was NOT plugged in. There was a 0% chance she could burn herself so PeePaw save your speech. (Not that PeePaw would have any clue as to how one would log on to the world wide web and find our blog, but I bet MeeMaw will show him.)
Sunday she took us for a ride on the golf cart.
Monday afternoon I decided we would put up her tree. She was so amazed by the lights.
And this is how amazed she was when I introduced her to Mickey's First Christmas.
Pregnancy Update: I know now why 2nd, 3rd, 4th children say there aren't as many pictures etc of them as there are the 1st baby. BECAUSE MOMMA IS TIRED! I really wanted to do weekly pictures with Reese holding the chalkboard, but as it turns out Reese was napping when we made this picture. And it looks like the weekly picture updates may turn into monthly updates...or trimester updates.
For about 2 weeks now Reese has said that she is having a "baby bruter." It has really caused me to question my earlier prediction that it's a girl. To me the strangest thing about a 2nd pregnancy is how fast it goes. With Reese I knew exactly how many weeks, day, minutes, and seconds pregnant I was. This time the weeks fly by! We will find out at our next appointment what it is. I am hoping to do some kind of gender reveal party...We'll see if I can make it happen. If we know before Christmas (which we should) I would love for the ultrasound lady to seal it up in an envelope and us open it Christmas morning, but Adam shot me down on that one. He said he couldn't wait that long, but wouldn't that be the ultimate Christmas present!
Anyway, here we are at 12 weeks.