On Thanksgiving morning I asked the girls what they were thankful for. Reese said her family cause she is the picture of precious. I asked Elynn (who either refers to herself as "Ewinn" or "Edee Wae") and she said, "my momma." (Which shocked me because it was just the day before that she muttered under her breath "you da wust (worst) momma eva" while she rolled her eyes.)
What you need to know about "Ewinn" is that she's all things sassy topped with curly hair. (Or as she says "turwee" hair.)
Before we went to bed that night I asked them again what they were thankful for because I just adore their little voices and hearing their sweet little thoughts. Elynn huffed, "I said it a thousand times... YOU!" She proceeded to look at her daddy and say, "her don't wisten.(listen)."
She should have been thankful Jesus was near cause I should have whipped that little tail for being such a sass mouth.
I have had unfortunate iphone events over the past several months. It usually is because I have some silly cutesy case on my phone like an idiot. I had to have a replacement back in August because mine was damaged in a fall to the point of no return. Then in October I upgraded to the 8 because... PORTRAIT SETTING! Reese looks at me with a mothering look and tone and said, "Momma! You've had 3 phones this year!" She's the head of reason in the bunch.
Elynn told me "I love you all the way to....Twistmas" and y'all that was way back in September so girlfriend loves me a whole lot.
When Elynn wants all of something she says "All bit of it."
Somewhere around the 4:00 hour everyday we arrive home and EVERYBODY loses their flippin minds. For example, a few weeks ago we get home and Elynn goes straight to the potty (this is every single day because apparently nobody can wipe her as good as me so she waits till we are together. It's so flattering to have such talents.). While she is using the potty I was putting up groceries, Drake was holding on to my leg, and the phone rang. While I was talking to Adam on the phone, Elynn sends out the "I'mmmmm donnnnnneeee" so I walk in the bathroom to find that Drake had left my side to play in the toilet while Elynn was sitting on it. I let out what I am sure was not a child friendly word (I'm kidding. I said one but it was in my head) and during all the chaos dropped the phone in the toilet. Y'all. I can't even.
Elynn has a lot of questions about getting baptized and having Jesus in your heart. Over the summer her Aunt Heather was teaching her how to swim. She stopped what she was doing, raised up her swim suit top and said "Dis is where Jesus lives" and pointed to her heart. Last week she asked me "When you asked Jesus to come into your heart, do you have to go to the mergency room to get him put there?" Cause if so I can tell y'all one thing for certain- that girl is out. Ain't doin it.
Speaking of her Aunt Heather- she went so long without seeing her that once she did see her she called her "Miss. Heather." It was like she didn't even know her anymore.
Anytime there is a crying child (which let's face it is all the time since we have 3 of them) Drake walks up to the crying one and politely says, "ush" (hush). That is usually followed by a slap, pinch, hair pull, or bite.
He calls socks "ocks."
Here's to hoping I get back with y'all before they graduate from high school.
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