Adam got to be off on Friday and guess what he did with his day? Got up and left the house at 3:30 AM to go fishing in Guntersville with Big Daddy and Uncle G. You better believe that I threatened his life if he woke our baby (or her mother) up at that hour. Before I even got to school he text me this picture.
And I love that he got to go fishing all day because fishing is the true love of his life. I let myself believe that I am a close second, but I have never been naive enough to think I come in first. You know how I know? Thursday night when he was gathering his fishing rods and his assortment of worms there was a sparkle in his eyes that only appears when he's heading out to the wide open water. I haven't seen that sparkle for anything concerning me since the day I gave him a gift card to Bass Pro Shops.
Saturday after doing some yard work I made a decorating mistake of epic proportions. I saw this picture on Pinterest a few weeks ago and y'all it spoke directly into my ear.

Isn't it lovely? I WANT our bedroom to look like this. Add a bed, of course. And a dresser. So we had been looking at paint samples for about a week which is roughly 2 months less time than it normally takes me to pick out paint. We bought 2 gallons of paint only to come home and discover that it is, hands down, the worst paint color in the history of paint colors. When the lights are off it glows in the dark. Seriously. It glows. It is a $60 decorating tragedy. Here's to hoping I can go back and plea with the paint people to PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! let me return it or make it darker. And I plan to take Reese when I go because they were all "she is so cute" and "look at those big eyes" when we were there on Saturday. If I can get her to blow them a kiss and bat her eyes I feel certain my chances of saving our bedroom walls are so much higher.
We came home Saturday and dyed eggs. Reese forcefully dropped each egg into the dye, but I am proud to report that we did not have stained fingers for Easter Sunday.
This is what a long day of yard work will cause you to do...
But let me back up to last Wednesday night. We took her to church for her first Easter egg hunt. I have not idea how, but she knew just how to hunt Easter eggs.
Do any of you other mothers look like this in your pictures? Mouth open slightly because I am saying something along the lines of "Reese look at daddy!" "Reese say cheese!" Note to self: don't talk during future pictures.
Then she had to take an egg hunting break to snack on some "pice"(ice). She loves to crunch on ice. And look at that face. That's the face of a girl who means business about her ice.
This was the best I could do to get a picture of Reese and her church besties.
Sunday morning Adam got her up at 5:30 for the Easter bunny and to get ready for Sunrise service. She couldn't even open her eyes.
Then she caught sight of the basket that the good bunny left and she was so excited.
We go to Big Daddy and D.D.'s for sunrise every year. After we had Reese I had my doubts we would make it that early, but according to Adam it isn't Easter if he doesn't attend sunrise services with his people. Reese enjoyed the festivities this year because she got to play on the playground.
Uncle G, which she loves and adores, pushed her on the swing. Here's to hoping he never has a baby of his own because I don't think she would handle it very well.
Last year I spent hours picking out her Easter basket. I mean I looked and looked and then looked some more to get just the perfect basket that I wanted her to have every year. Why doesn't she appreciate all my hard work? She wanted to carry around every single WalMart plastic basket she came in contact with over her cute monogramed one.
With her cuz's Jaycie and Brooklyn which I have big plans of being babysitters in the future:)
We had lunch and an Easter egg scavenger hunt at my parents house. I have a feeling that all the momma's are going to shoot me down next year when I try to implement another scavenger hunt. I might have made it a little too hard which required parents to get involved. And you know what momma's don't want to do after eating a big Easter lunch? Go on a scavenger hunt.
I would like to take this time to make note of Jolie's obsession with shoes. Particularly high heel shoes that belong to me. The first place she goes when she gets to my house is the closet to drag out the highest heel shoes she can find. She always tells me that they "almost fit me" and "I bet by next year I'll be able to wear these", and "when you get done with these I can have them, then Andi can have them, then Reese can have them." Oh how my heart will break the day she decides that I'm not quiet as cool as she once thought.
Andi found the $5 prize egg this year. Then proceeded to sit down and eat no less than 4 boiled eggs. Rumor has it that Brandon ran around picking up eggs, shaking them and if they didn't have money in them he put them back. What happened to wanting to find the most eggs? That just confirms my belief that money is the root of all evil. It has even tarnished the Easter egg hunt.
I am so sad that I didn't get a group picture of all the babies together. One of the babies will be 16 this summer and I just can't believe it. My Daddy told me a couple of weeks ago that he was going to retire and ride his grandbabies around on his Kabota all day. All I know is he better hurry up because half of them are almost grown. Tear.