Friday, April 8, 2011

The (almost) Final Product

I have been putting off posting pictures of our spring break front yard project because I was lead to believe that someone was eventually going to come and create a lovely concrete sidewalk to our front steps. I was mislead. I will go ahead and say that I don't think the pictures do it justice. We had two objectives: a. low maintenance b. shrubs that could sustain 2 dogs trampling over them on a regular basis. Since the dogs have been locked in a pen for the past 3 weeks I have no idea how the shrubs will hold up IF they are ever released back into our yard (before you call PETA on me for animal cruelty I would like for you to know that even in a pen they have a very nice life. It consist of a walk every afternoon to the creek where Dixie plays her little heart out and Autie rolls around in the grass. They get one square meal every day, a barrel to sleep in, plenty of shade trees, and an endless supply of water. There are dogs at the pound who could only wish for such luxuries. The beauty of this set up is that they are not tempted to eat my outdoor pillows and cushions. AND we actually have some flowers blooming, but we'll talk about that in a minute.) I am ashamed to put this out there for all the world to see, but here is the before picture. All the dirt and weeds left a lot to be desired. All I know is that back in late February somebody must have slipped something in my Diet Dr. Pepper because one night I heard myself say, "Let's stain the porch!" I don't know what I was thinking. Actually, I wasn't thinking because staining a porch is where fun goes to die. But we went ahead with the plan and took full advantage of cheap child labor by letting Clay help out. You know the thing about kids? Bless their hearts, they have no concept of money. He put in a full days work and was so excited when I gave him $10. Best $10 we spent that week. I have no doubt that his momma said dirty things about me when he came home with stained socks and pants, but he had the time of his little life. All the complaining let me know that A-master had slightly less than the time of his life. I can't tell you all of the things I sacrificed during my spring break to get this finished. There were a lot of naps that went untaken during those 9 days. SACRIFICE! So here we are. Drum roll please...... With the dogs incarcerated hopefully the grass will grow back. (Note to self: spotlight is not working on the left side. Have A-master handle it this weekend.) Three weeks of no dogs trampling our yard and look what happens. It's a miracle in the form of azaleas and roses. In other news I hate to keep talking about Couch 2 5K and all that jazz because I fear that y'all are going to expect some type of physical results from me, but I feel the need to share with the group what a complete idiot I am. (Before I mistakenly get the reputation of being someone who enjoys physical activity let me set the record straight. I try to do some sort of physical activity everyday to convince myself that it's okay to eat cinnamon raisin biscuits for breakfast and pizza with ranch dressing for dinner while munching on M&Ms during the day. I have to have at least one unhealthy meal a day or my stomach will get nervous and go into withdrawals.) Along with Couch 2 5K I have also had a few dates this week with P90X. Tony and I would not be friends in real life with all of his, "do your best, forget the rest." Just hearing his voice annoys me to no end. Yesterday after a grueling leg workout I laid on the couch and said, "I'm coming Elizabeth. This is the big one!" (Do you know how excited my daddy is going to be when my mother tells him that I referenced Fred Sanford on the blog? The only way I could make him prouder would be to quote Andy Griffith and/or Barney Fife.) Anyway, I am going to be breaking up with one of these programs once I decide which one I hate the most. Considering that my thighs feel like they are on fire I am thinking that P90X might be dead to me. On a completely unrelated note there is a little girl at daycare that makes me and A-master laugh out loud. One morning she pulled up to him on her tricycle and said, "Excuse me. Do y'all watch Handy Manny?" I am still laughing about her pulling up on her tricycle. A couple of weeks ago she ask Adam, "Excuse me. Did you know you have a hole in your pants?" Clearly she has been raised like all good southern girls should be. She knows to say excuse me before bluntly pointing out ones faults. I am just waiting for her to follow up with, "Bless his heart."

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