Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Here comes Peter Cottontail

(Because I am a complete genius I uploaded these pictures in the wrong order so we are going to go from Sunday backwards. Please bear with me. I am still trying to get off of the chocolate high I have been on all weekend.)

Being a momma adds a layer of stress to life that I never knew existed. Big events make me nervous now that we have a babe in tow. I find myself praying (begging) God to let her be in a good mood when we have a big day ahead of us. It's not that she is bad, but as her Big Daddy will tell you, she can go from 0 to 60 (60 being a crying fit!) in 2 seconds flat. Sunday morning we knew that we would be going to sunrise services and I was certain that by doing so we were setting ourselves up for a major meltdown at some point in the day. But as A-master pointed out if Jesus died for our sins and then rose bright and early on Sunday morning then surely we could honor him by getting up bright and early too. I was semi wrong about the meltdown thing. She took a 2 hour nap after we got home and she was good to go until about 3:00 when she had a run in with another nap. After she cried and spoke her mind about her hatred of sleep she played in her hair and fell fast asleep.

But before all the napping took place she was playing the part of our sweet little Easter bunny!

She even did a little Easter egg hunting with her Auntie Heather.

It saddens my heart that some of the babies around our house are getting too big for their Easter britches and don't care for Easter egg hunting anymore. I almost cried a tear when I realized that only 3 of them would be pushing and shoving for sought after "I found the most eggs" award. Little Red (pictured below) took home the trophy this year. He beat out cousin Jolie by 2 eggs.

Daddy/Uncle Adam posing with the girls. It was nice to have Little Paris Hilton joining us for our Easter festivities;) (Deep within my soul I know and accept that our little family will forever be comprised of nothing but girls. Look at A-master. Such a ladies man.)

In true grandparent form PeePaw spoiled her while MeeMaw and I did all the Easter cooking. (Actually MeeMaw did the cooking while I did important things like wipe off the counters and butter the rolls. It was a daunting task but somebody had to do it.)

Reese loves our 4 legged friends. She thinks they are so funny!

Since she was asleep when we left for sunrise services she didn't see what the Easter bunny had brought until we got home.

And here is where I will document that I got up at 4:30 AM on my baby's first Easter and we were still late for church! We went to Big Daddy and D.D.'s church for sunrise followed by breakfast. You know we baptist strongly believe in eating a good meal to celebrate any occasion.

Reese with her cuz's Jaycie and Brooklyn

Adam's granny and Aunt Sheila

I can not be held responsible for what I look like in this picture. It was so early I didn't even care, but looking back I probably should have.

Big Daddy playing the chef.

Hagen, Carli, and Micki

Since I am shaking things up a bit today by going backwards we will now talk about Saturday's happenings. Often Reese is more interested in eating her toes than she is her baby food.

We bought our first sippy cup on Saturday, but all she wanted to do was chew on it. There was much debate as to which one to purchase. After confirming that the Dr. Brown cups don't have as many parts to clean as the bottles do we went with it. The packaging says it is spill proof which is another example of the lies marketing people will tell to get you to buy their products.

Reese helped her daddy cut the grass. (Actually she only rode on the lawn mower when the blade was cut off because, as previously mentioned, I am highly paranoid and I could just envision her falling off and getting a digit/limb cut off. I have a sick and twisted mind and having a baby only made matters worse.)

And here is where baby meets Easter egg for the first time. She has recently started crying when we take toys away from her and Adam finds it hilarious.

(It also must be documented that the Easter bunny let A-master down in the worst kind of way. When he got up Sunday morning with sleepy, squinty eyes the first thing he said with disappointment in his voice was, "I guess the Easter bunny forgot to bring me a king sized bed" I think that was sort of a tall order for the good bunny, but maybe Santa Claus will come through for him.)


  1. Reese looks like you picked her out of a "Perfect Baby" magazine!!! She looks like a baby doll!!! Can't wait to see you all this weekend!

  2. I love the picture of Reese in her bunny ears looking at gifts in her basket! She looks so excited! I love it!!
