Saturday, October 22, 2011

13 Months (better late than never)

Reese was 13 months old on Thursday, but I was in no shape to post anything. The virus has all but made a clean sweep at our house. Meaning that Adam is the only one who hasn't gotten it. Yet. Rest assured though he will get it next week when he starts his new job. (Also the first time in his adult life that he has ever had to think about sick days. It's going to be an ugly reality for him.)

Let me take a moment before we move into the 13 month post to publicly say that Adam is a changed man since the babe came along. He not only continued to live with us while we were BOTH sick, he even played the part of janitor. When Reese was sick he said that I was the nurse and he was the clean up crew. When I was sick he was both. Good, good man I tell ya.

At 13 months Reese:

Weighs: 18.8 lbs

Height: Roughly 28 inches

Has 2 teeth on the bottom and just cut the top right one this week.

She can say: mama, dada, bye, Adam (without the m), and something that sounds a lot like three. Adam holds her and counts 1,2,3 and leans her back like he is going to drop her. After the gazillionth time he did this he didn't say 3, but she said "th" and leans her head back laughing.

Isn't a good eater. Even before the virus hit us this week she wasn't a good eater. Now it is worse. She absolutely has to have milk. Not juice. Not watered down Sprite. Milk. And she will whine non stop until we put milk in her cup.

When she wants something she leans toward it and stretches her arm out in that direction and whines until we get what she wants.

Her favorite thing to do is pretend to talk on the phone. The following are commonly used as a phone: the remote, her paci, notepads, and baby food tops.

When driving down the road she likes for us to play the ipod on our phones and she holds it to her ear to hear it better.

Can blow kisses and give high 5's.

Loves to get into the cabinets and pull everything out.

Goes to sleep sitting in our lap at night watching TV. (Please tell me this isn't going to rot her brain.)

Got her first fat lip a few weeks ago after she fell into the side of the tub. It was a pretty dramatic moment for me once I saw that she was bleeding from her mouth. When she fell her bottom teeth cut her top gums causing them to bleed also. I panicked and called MeeMaw for backup. (By the way did you know that the past tense of panic adds a 'k' because I had no idea. Clearly, I lead a sheltered life. So does Adam because he is still arguing that adding a 'k' isn't correct.)

Had her finger pricked for the first time yesterday. We ended up at the doctors office because she was still a sick little baby. She has not been herself all week and I was afraid she was going to get dehydrated. When the doctor walked toward her and she started screaming it was confirmed that she in fact is my child.

Thankfully, today she is back to her normal busy self!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Love the pictures! Sorry to hear that you and Reese have been sick. Viruses are not fun at all! So glad to finally be catching up on the blog world . . . have enjoyed reading through yours tonight and catching up with your family. You are so funny . . . I look forward to reading your posts in my spare time . . . kindof like reading a good book :)
