At 15 months old:
She is, without a doubt, a fashionista. I don't know if it's the 1 red shoe, the pink pants, or the orange pumpkin shirt, but girlfriend is workin' it.

Weighs: 21 pounds
Height: not sure
Wears a size 3 diaper and 12 month old clothes.
Loves milk and orange juice. Oh, and her paci. (Don't tell her but I am cutting off the tips in a couple of days.)
Isn't a great eater. When she does eat she likes bananas, sweet potatoes, rasins, and carrots. Her favorite food is Puffs. Adam taught her how to dip things in ketchup this weekend and she loved it.

She is a skilled and talented waver. She waves at everybody, everywhere. Her whole wrist gets involved and it is precious. She follows every wave with blowing a kiss.
Other than waving some of her hobbies include making 3 messes while I try to clean up 1, climbing on the step stool in our closet, pulling the toilet paper off the roll, cleaning out all drawers within her reach, and carrying around wash cloths in each hand. She also enjoys having me carry her around every waking second.
A couple of weeks ago I had to carry her to daycare because Adam was out of town for training and when I dropped her off she cried the ugly cry. From what I understand it went on for quiet some time after I left.

In the last 2 weeks she has learned so many new words. To date she can say the following: MaMa, DaDa, bye, bird, PawPaw (she has a PeePaw, but it is possible that he has now been renamed), MawMaw (again, she doesn't have a MawMaw. She has a MeeMaw.), D.D.,
Addison (which sounds like Add son),
Hudson, Autie, Dixie, and her own version of Chinney.
Thanks to a Pinterest project she had paint from head to toe.

We went to the Birmingham Zoo last weekend to see the lights. We rode the train and saw Santa. The train went much smoother than Santa.

I had decided that we were not seeing Santa this year because I knew she would cry and scream and have a complete meltdown. I hate it when I'm right. But I love that picture and I am so glad that we had her picture made. When I picked her back up she waved and gave him high 5.
How a year can change things....

I underestimated the weather Saturday night, but thankfully I had a blanket in the car. She wrapped up for the train ride.

That Santa, he is everywhere at the zoo. On the train ride he and Mrs. Clause greeted us and then he was waiting when we got off to have our picture made with him.

There was also a petting zoo type thing with pigs, goats, and miniature horses. Her favorite part was the rocking chair.

By the end she was exhausted. We changed her into her PJs and she went sound asleep.

Please excuse me while I take a trip down memory lane.

When I was looking for her Santa picture last year I found this picture. And, oh my heart.