I guess you don’t really have to have a husband in your life for you to understand what I am about to say. A son, boyfriend, male cousin, brother…any of these will do. Or maybe I am wrong. Maybe my sweet, sweet husband is the only man who does this. And did I mention that I love him more than words could ever say? Seriously, I LOVE this man. He has brightened my life from the day he drove up to pick me up in an F150 wearing boots…ya’ll know how I love a man who wears boots. Anyway, why is it that a TV can get their attention so quickly? If Adam walks through the living room and the TV is on, no matter what channel, he ALWAYS stops to watch it. Always. If I have it on a show I like such as A Baby Story (which currently is my most watched program), The Notebook, or Cooking with Paula he stops, sits down, and watches. Then proceeds to complain that I watch the dumbest shows! If I were in the yard screaming for my life and he was running to my rescue I can assure you he would hesitate in front of the TV momentarily before coming to check on me. And I am not just saying this. I have proof. See picture below.

With only weeks left until the delivery of our first child we have decided to put gas logs in our living room. Adam works on this project most afternoons when he comes home from work….but as you can see if the TV is on he can’t seem to pay attention to anything but that! Is it just him?? Are others this impressed with this thing called a TV??
Did I mention that I LOVE him anyway!
Yay! I'm so glad she turned for you. She decided to give you a break!!
ReplyDeletehow funny. just wait until adam is standing in front of the tv with the little angel and she is as mesmerized as he is.