At 39 weeks Reese is the size of a small watermelon. I noticed that next week she would be the size of a pumpkin and I'm so glad that at that size everyone will be carrying her around and not just me:)

How Far Along: 39 Weeks
Weight Gain: Too much. I had decided not to get back on the scales…because what is the point? I am BIG, does the exact number really matter? I think not. Then my BFF Stephanie reminded me that I needed to know the exact number the day she is born so that I can keep an accurate record of how much I have lost when the tragic day comes that I have to loose all of this weight. So…before we rush out of the house and squeal tires headed to the hospital I shall step onto the scales one more time. And yes, I think even though we have an appointment at the hospital for an induction Adam will run out of the house in a hurry and squeal tires when pulling onto the road just to add drama to the moment. It will take him back to his fire fighter days of running emergency calls.
Maternity Clothes: Yes and I have grown to like most of them. But I will be happy when my old clothes return. However I am not going to rush that moment.
Stretch Marks: Not yet…if she would hurry it up I might get through this entire pregnancy without one….But that glass of Barbers chocolate milk I drink every night says that I will have at least one stretch mark. Which reminds me…if you have never had Barbers chocolate milk you have not lived!
Sleep: I have finally gotten over the cold that I contracted from the wee little angels (or potential prison inmates) at school and I am sleeping much better. Adam says I have become high maintenance at night:) Up and down. Up and down. I can’t wait to see how high maintenance he think little Reese is at night.
Baby Movement: Yes
Food Cravings: Besides Barbers chocolate milk…I recommend JuicyJuicy Apple juice! It is utterly fantastic. Not too sweet. I am in love.
What I Miss: Since the end is in sight I find it difficult to complain at this point. I can absolutely do this for 4 more days.
Looking Forward To: I bit the bullet and took the day off on Friday so today is my last day of work and I am elated! I am looking forward to cleaning the house, getting a pedicure and manicure, and making the trip to the hospital on Sunday night. But we mostly can’t wait to see that sweet little face.
Milestones: At 39 weeks Reese is continuing to build a layer of fat under the skin to regulate her body temperature once she arrives. It is likely that she is around 20 inches long and weighing a little over 7 pounds. I am going to step out on a limb and guess that she will weigh slightly less than 7 pounds.
One last comparison photo.... 14 weeks (which was the first picture I made) and 39 weeks. And no, I did not include my face in the 39 weeks photo because I officially have the "pregnant" nose. It looks bigger to me, but Adam assured me (more like lied to me) that it looks no different. I also find it funny that I had to make the right screen bigger so you can see my whole stomach:)

If there is such a thing as an easy pregnancy I have experienced it. We had a couple of miscarriage scares right in the beginning, but thankfully everything worked out just fine. Although I have had no major problems I feel like a huge weight will be lifted off of my shoulders when I see that she is here and healthy. However, I also realize that that is when the worrying really begins:)
Hopefully by Monday afternoon we will be posting pictures of the new addition!