I don’t want to bore you with too many breastfeeding details, BUT it is demanding! I am at her every beck and call 24/7. I am not complaining and I wouldn’t have it any other way, but let me tell you, breastfeeding is
Friday, October 29, 2010
I don’t want to bore you with too many breastfeeding details, BUT it is demanding! I am at her every beck and call 24/7. I am not complaining and I wouldn’t have it any other way, but let me tell you, breastfeeding is
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Punkin' Carvin'
Until she realized that no one was holding her and then she supervised from my lap.
Reese and I opted to paint her pumpkin this year instead of carving it. We spray painted it white and then painted the dots and initial…
Adam picked one of the hardest ideas from the book…
When Reese got fussy he talked me into finishing it and he held her which resulted in a short nap for both of them…
I was left to complete the small detailed cutting on his pumpkin and to clean up the mess!
Can you tell what it is?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
3 years ago today...
I won't bore you with too many more details of our oh so exciting life (haha), but I will share a few wedding day pictures. Except for the birth of our sweet baby this day ranks high on my list of the best days of my life! I still love to look through our wedding album, and every beautiful fall day reminds me of our wedding day. It gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling!

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Daddy's Home!
MeeMaw and D.D. took turns staying with us at night. And Reese gets lots of attention when they come. MeeMaw and D.D. say that I have spoiled her, but I am pretty sure they played a part too!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Keepin' My Eye on You!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
One Month Ago
- is 21 1/2 inches long
- weighs 9 pounds and 3 ounces...or so we think. I stood on the scale with her and without her so I am not sure how accurate it is.
- nurses every three hours. We will soon be giving her pumped milk from a bottle so that she is used to a bottle when I go back to work. Since our anniversary is next week Adam wanted me to go ahead and give her a bottle because he was planning a surprise trip for Saturday....until he realized that Alabama would be playing Tennessee and Auburn would be playing LSU that day. It is just fine with me if we sit home with our sweet baby for our anniversary because I am not ready to leave her yet.
- Slept best when being swaddled until a few days ago and she now seems to prefer her arms out of the blanket
Wakes up whenever the sound machine (the lamb in the top of the picture) is turned off. Adam and I like the sound machine too! Thanks to that little lamb it sounds like rain on a tin roof at our house every night!- The first week or two she slept in her bouncy seat because she woke up everytime we layed her still in her craddle. Then she slept best swinging in her swing... due to the current cost of batteries we felt it would be best to not allow her to swing ALL night long in the swing. So she is now sleeping in the craddle with her arms slung out to the sides.
- Goes to sleep any time she is in the car riding.
- Only cries when she is hungry or has a wet diaper...and if we lay her down for a nap before she is asleep. But after her 3 a.m. feeding she gets herself back to sleep...so I don't understand. I think she knows that during the day I am trying to get things done around the house and doesn't like it!
- Loves to be cuddled. Which is currently my full time job:)
- until last week she got up every two hours during the night. Thank goodness she is now sleeping from about 9 p.m. to 3 a.m.!!
- sleeps in zipper sleepers because they make late night diaper changes SO much easier than having to button a onezie in the dark while half asleep!
- blows these sweet little bubbles when she naps
- tries to hold her head up when she is being held on someone's shoulder so we have to hold her down like this
- loves to lay in our lap like this when awake
- doesn't love or hate getting a bath although in this picture she looks a little sad
- will only listen to a story for a few seconds and then isn't all that impressed...maybe it is my reading skills:)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Lazy Saturday
Friday night (actually Saturday morning) when she woke up at 3 a.m. Adam told her that if she would sleep until 8 he would buy her a pony:) hahah! She woke up at 6 and ruined any chances of getting that pony!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Is it possible?/Where did she come from?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Since Reese Arrived
I have learned that...
Nothing can prepare you for becoming a parent. I thought since I had witnessed my nieces and nephews growing up I was a step ahead...but oh no! There is no amount of babysitting that can prepare one for the task of motherhood!
It is all about her! It is no longer about Adam and I. For several days after she was born I felt like Adam and I had not even seen each other. We were both at home, but a newborn requires ALL of your attention. Of course when we got the chance to talk the conversation was all about baby stuff:) Which lead me to wonder...what did we do before her?
The house and its level of cleaniness doesn't even rate on the scale of importance anymore. My days are spent feeding her, washing her clothes, and opening new packs of diapers and wipes. Adam was sweet enough to clean while I was gone on Saturday. I guess it had gotten bad enough that he decided something must be done:)
That love at first sight doesn't exist until seeing your baby for the first time.
That there are a lot of material things I would be willing to go without just to stay home with her instead of going back to work.
That I can sit home and stare at her all day and be completely happy.
But mostly I have learned that life doesn't really begin until you get to see the love of your life and your new baby doing this...
To see her newborn pictures go to this website
Go to the Clients link.
Enter my email elena.robertson@hotmail.com and the password is robertson1
Monday, October 11, 2010
Weekend Fun
I see trouble in LaRae's future if they ever decide to give Anna Kate a sibling!