Yesterday at church our pastor talked about being thankful. He said that "It isn't happy people who are thankful, but thankful people who are happy." And instead of asking for more be thankful for the things God has already done and given us in our lives. I am pretty sure he was talking straight to me. I will be the first to admit that I would like more things...a new (bigger) car, a bigger house (since Reese's things now takes up all of our space), new clothes, an at-home gym, etc etc... But instead of dwelling on the things I don't have I am going to be thankful and praise Him for all that I already have and am thankful for:
My salvation
My sweet husband who makes life so much more fun!

Our precious Reese

The 1o pounds of baby weight I can't seem to lose because it reminds me that I was blessed enough to carry a baby and deliver a health baby.
My parents (Until September 20th I did not realize how much parents love thier kids and are willing to sacrifice for them) and my in-laws (From what I understand life can be very difficult if you don't have a good set of these...thankfully mine love me more than their own son:)

Our four legged babies (even though I have, on numerous occasions, talking about giving them away since they are the reason I can't have anything nice in the yard). Please notice in this picture that Autie's back legs are up on Dixie's back...she sits on Dixie back all of the time..maybe because she doesn't want her feet to get dirty? Who knows, but it is funny!
My sweet nieces and nephews (and their parents, of course)
Andi and Jolie

Brandon aka Red


All of our friends! Some we got to see this weekend...

Our home. Even if it's small I LOVE it! Like the song says, "Love grows best in little houses"
My job....even though two weeks from today I will be an emotional wreck when I have to go back...
And on Thursday I will be thankful for getting to see all of my family and eat my Nanny's dressing!