Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Some of my favorite things...

Hubby informed me the other night that he was aware that, "a happy wife is a happy life"- wise, wise man I tell ya. Lots of things make me happy, but in the last few days these have come to mind for one reason or another. (I will list by number to make myself feel organized)

1. This video of hubby and the wee little one

2. This video of the wee little one doing something so cute with her lips and then making a "boat" noise. She just learned this and it's her best trick as of 2/2/11.

3. Sitting in the bath tub at night after I have turned the water off and hearing the hubby baby talk Reese. Their conversations are very enlightening.

4. When the hubby declared last night after spelling enthusiasm and opportunity correctly, "hot dang, I outta be in a spelling bee!" Yes, Adam you should go register your 27 year old self in a spelling bee. Please. And while your at it go ahead and enter a grammer bee because you are sure to win that as well.

5. This picture I took during Sunday School a few weeks ago. I think she likes him, don't you?

6. Picking Reese up at daycare in the afternoons and when she sees me she smiles SO big.

7. Hearing the older kids at daycare say, "Reese's momma is here. Your baby is right up there."

8.My finest hour of the last 4 months of her life was when Ms. Liz told Adam and MeeMaw what a good baby she is and how she entertains herself during the day without having to be held. And everybody says she is spoil- ha! Ms. Liz and Ms. Rita beg to differ.

9. Coming home last night to the hubby with dinner waiting- Firehouse Subs, one of my favorite.

10. Going into Reese's room when she wakes up crying at night and as soon as I lean my head over the crib she smiles a big gummy smile that completely melts my heart.


  1. You have no idea how jealous this makes ;)

  2. How sweet is that video of Adam and Reese!!!?
    I love it! The simple things in life seem to be the ones that make us all the happiest. So glad you have those simple yet special things (people) to make you smile! :)

  3. OMG!! i love to read your post !! Reese is beautiful !! the videos of her and her and adam are priceless .. and the pic of her with her head on his chest is SOOO sweet ,,

  4. I love her new "trick"! before you know it she will be walking and talking up a storm.
