How Far Along: 23 weeks
Weight Gain: This week I am ashamed to admit how much weight I have gained! I bought bathroom scales not long after I found out I was pregnant (which my BFF Stephanie told me I would regret and today I do). I try not to get on them but once a week...and only for documentation for this blog do I get on them at all. I feel the need to say that I do not go around eating whatever I want just because I am pregnant...wait...that was a lie... I have always eaten whatever I wanted and then gone to the gym to confess my sins to the treadmill. Really-since I found out I was pregnant I have only had one milkshake and it was forced on me last Friday night...Baby Daddy insisted that I get a strawberry milkshake from Chick-Fil-A while he slurped down a chocolate shake. So when I realized I had gained a scary amount of weight this week I called Adam to tell him and he assured me that it is water retention. First of all, I love that man for saying that, and second where did he get that idea? Well on Wednesday night (the night before I weigh in for the week) I ate an entire watermelon by myself. Not one of those really big ones. It was a smaller seedless one...it looked like a personal size to me...you know like a personal size pizza...Lord only knows how much I would have gained if I had eaten one of those! Anyway, according to the bathroom scales, which I am starting to beleive are 5 pounds off, I have gained roughly 4 pounds in one week! I am making a shocked face as I type that number. 4 pounds! I don't think it is healthy to gain that much weight in one week...but I guess it changes things if it is just water retention...right??
Maternity Clothes: Yes
Stretch Marks: No. Still lathering in coco butter daily...at this rate of weight gain I am sure they are to come.
Sleep: Boppy, the maternity pillow, and I are sleeping well.
Baby Movement: Yes, and by the way, I hope she has grown a record amount this week along with her mother...that would help me justify my weight gain.
Food Cravings: Well, I love watermelon but I am going to take a break from it...maybe.
What I Miss: Next weekend we are going to the beach with some of our favorite peeps and I am sure I will miss the 2 piece swimsuit days!
Looking Forward To: Getting started on the nursery. And seeing her sweet little face.
Milestones: This is the statement I loved for 23 weeks...At this point fat production is in overdrive for the baby!! (Obviously her mother too...not wait... that's water retention!) See some of those 4 pounds are going to her...probably not as much as I would like...but some of it. Baby Reese will double in weight over the next 4 weeks. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing now to prepare for breathing and she is becoming familiar with noises she hears often.