This was the first time her toes touched the water.
Clearly she is nothing like her momma because if there is 1 thing I hate it is for sand to touch me anywhere but my feet. Call me high maintenance if you want. A-master would probably agree:) I will go to great lengths to keep the sand off of me from the ankles up.
(Don't judge my appearance please.)
I love to see all these boys with their little girls. All of our friends are having or have had girls. There is nothing sweeter than and daddy and his girl:)
Long gone are the days of sitting under an umbrella reading a good book at the beach. It was up and down, back and forth to the room. It if hadn't been 112 degrees I would say it was a good workout. But under that kind of heat it was more like grounds for a heat stroke. Anyway, luckily we stayed at this place and didn't have to be bothered with elevators and other people. It was just the 17 of us occupying the area and it was perfect.
Reese and Anna Kate with their matching swimsuits.
And who wouldn't want to kick back with a cold bottle on a hot day at the beach?

She had a head first crash into the sand and it didn't make her happy.

The best part about going to the beach with people who don't have children is that there is always somebody that wants to hold your baby. Here's Kathryn. She's one of those people.

Over the last 5 years I have become a lover of the SPF. It's all an attempt to make up for an ill spent youth of trying to achieve the perfect tan. I now insisit on hosing ourselves down with sunscreen because somewhere around 2005 I started to believe all the hype about skin cancer. But I did get a spray tan before the beach because the fact is tan fat looks better than white fat. Reese was embarrased at the SPF I put on her head, but I thought it was cute.

Adam has made fun of my hat to the point I thought about throwing it away. Then Adam Harris told me I looked like a grandmother, but Reese loves the hat so I ignored all their comments. (Really I think they were jealous, but I can't prove it.)

She loved the swimming pool!

Our first family beach photo.

Reese, Anna Kate, and Sarah
She had a head first crash into the sand and it didn't make her happy.
The best part about going to the beach with people who don't have children is that there is always somebody that wants to hold your baby. Here's Kathryn. She's one of those people.
Over the last 5 years I have become a lover of the SPF. It's all an attempt to make up for an ill spent youth of trying to achieve the perfect tan. I now insisit on hosing ourselves down with sunscreen because somewhere around 2005 I started to believe all the hype about skin cancer. But I did get a spray tan before the beach because the fact is tan fat looks better than white fat. Reese was embarrased at the SPF I put on her head, but I thought it was cute.
Adam has made fun of my hat to the point I thought about throwing it away. Then Adam Harris told me I looked like a grandmother, but Reese loves the hat so I ignored all their comments. (Really I think they were jealous, but I can't prove it.)
She loved the swimming pool!
She also brought along her bikini. It takes a confident lady to let it all hang out like she did. :)

Most of the trip she let her hair fly in the wind with nothing but a diaper.

I love the next picture. The thing about these peeps that makes me laugh is that they can sit and discuss the Auburn Fire Department in such detail and for so long that you would think they were talking about something of high importance like clothes or makeup. I assure you some assortment of FD material was being talked about before and after this picture was made.

OR.....they could have been discussing the young whipersnappers that set up shop right next to us on the beach. It was a crowd of youngsters that reminded us a lot of what we used to be before marriage and babies. Footloose and fancy free.

Here are 2 more of those who are always willing to watch your babe for you.

Most of the trip she let her hair fly in the wind with nothing but a diaper.
I love the next picture. The thing about these peeps that makes me laugh is that they can sit and discuss the Auburn Fire Department in such detail and for so long that you would think they were talking about something of high importance like clothes or makeup. I assure you some assortment of FD material was being talked about before and after this picture was made.
OR.....they could have been discussing the young whipersnappers that set up shop right next to us on the beach. It was a crowd of youngsters that reminded us a lot of what we used to be before marriage and babies. Footloose and fancy free.
Although he probably wouldn't admit it I would say this was A-masters favorite part of the trip.

Here are 2 more of those who are always willing to watch your babe for you.
I had a lot of anxiety about this trip. I didn't know how Reese would act in the car for that long, or out on the beach, or if she would sleep in her pack-n-play....the list of concerns went on and on. But it all turned out fine. She did really good and had plenty of entertainment with Anna Kate and Sarah. Adam went in and took a nap with her everyday which allowed me at least 20 minutes of sunshine without drool running down my arm.
Since we've been back she has been a mommas girl!! If I walk to the kitchen she breaks out in a cry. I am hoping it is just that she isn't feeling good....maybe because of a tooth??? We'll see.