For the first time in 2 years and 4 months I have spent the afternoon sitting in my favorite chair, gas logs glowing, while reading a book. How did I manage such a luxury you ask? It's called having a MeeMaw and PeePaw who invited all the grandkiddies to spend the night. Angels sang when we dropped her off this afternoon to the eagerly awaiting arms of her favorite cuz, Jolie. I rushed home, cooked myself my favorite sinful dinner of
Pizza Nachos (except I used fat free half and half instead of heavy cream because, people, I have not been going to the gym for the last 3 weeks for nothing), took a steaming hot bath, and am currently curled up under my favorite fuzzy blanket. It. Is. A. Beautiful. Thing.
Since I have some time on my hands I wanted to post a few random things. For quite some time I have wanted to have the blog printed to a book since it holds all the important facts of my baby's life. I went to the Blog2Print website only to discover it was going to cost me 2.5 paychecks to actually accomplish the task. So I opted to have it sent to me in PDF format (which cost $7.95 per book) and then I would have it printed and bound. Well.... I created one book from my very first blog post through Reese's first birthday. That turned out to be 300 some odd pages. The second book is from her 1st birthday through her 2nd birthday. I had both books printed at Office Max. When they showed me the options to have it bound, their sample book had laminated pages and I knew that in order to ensure the pages last I would need to do that. So I started with the second book, used one of those little personal laminators, and spent the better part of 2 weeks laminating all the pages. Here is the the book of her second year...

Needless to say I will not be laminating the first book with 300 plus pages. I will come off my wallet and buy it. You live and you learn. And I learned that it is worth every penny to leave the book making to the book making people. I will gladly pay them from now on.
Since it was so pretty today, we went for an afternoon stroll.
We ended up at Cheaha where Reese played on the playground. She is a sucker for a slide and swing.
She pretended to talk to Uncle G.
We walked out to Bald Rock. She ran. And ran. And ran.
I love this picture...
because the look on her face says she know what's coming next....
She insisted on wearing her Tinker Bell pajama top.
I had to beg her to go out in the snow Thursday afternoon. She kept saying, "it cold!"

I think I forgot to mention this, but back in November Adam changed jobs. I know what you're thinking. He changed jobs, again?? Yes. Yes, he did. He went to work for Lincare as sales rep back in October of 2011. In June he was promoted to manager, and he really liked the job. In late October his friend Wesley called and told him that Kronospan (the company his dad is the CFO for) was looking for a sales rep and that he should apply. Kronospan is a company in Eastabogo that manufactures MDF/HDF panels which is the stuff that laminate flooring and a lot of furniture are made from. Anyway, he applied (mainly because his heart goes pitter patter when he gets to deal with construction type things) and got the job. So to get to his office he gets on I20 for a few miles. Friday morning he was sitting still in traffic on I20 because somebody had a wreck. While he was sitting there an 18 wheeler, who didn't see the stopped traffic, hit him. Thankfully, no A-master was injured. Sadly, we got the report later on Friday that the car is probably going to be totaled since it will cost more to fix it than the car is worth. Did y'all see the Duck Dynasty episode where they called Si's truck the "gray ghost?" Well, after 5 years and 177,000 miles we are now calling the Acura a "gray ghost." All I know is that I treated it way nicer during my 4 years of driving it.

I, of course, saw this idea on Pinterest- where all craft ideas are born. Adam's hand is in black, mine in white, and Reese's in pink. Her hand didn't show up as well as I would have liked, but with a 2 year old you take what you can.

Speaking of our 2 year old. Having her tonsils removed has changed her little life. She can breath so much better, sleep so much better, and she has a much better appetite than before. After the surgery we let her sleep with us because we had to give her medicine every few hours, and because I wanted to be able to keep an eye on her since she had been put to sleep and blah blah blah. Anyway, she has been in our bed since then. Two nights this week we have tried to let her cry it out and go back to our bed....but to no avail. She cried for almost an hour, and at 11:00 PM I gave in and went and got her. During that hour she had not so much as squatted down and thought about going to sleep. She had gotten up on the rail several times trying to escape. I have no idea what we are going to do. Possibly go ahead and put her into a "big girl" bed and see how that goes. We do know for sure that we have officially missed the window of "cry it out" opportunity. Any suggestions as to how we get her back in her bed would be appreciated.