Christmas Eve I tried to explain to her that Fiona would be going back to the North Pole with Santa, but she was not very accepting of that idea. As soon as she saw the toys she said, "where Fiona?" We changed the subject and prayed it didn't come back up.
She was this excited.

She added a baby doll to her Christmas list on Christmas Eve Eve. Good thing Santa already had a baby doll in mind for her. The baby he brought has a paci and, yep, she put it her mouth several times. And she kissed all over that baby.
This will forever be known as the Christmas I gave her Daddy a pistol with no bullets. Apparently there was a communication barrier between myself and Uncle G. I told him I was getting a pistol for Adam. He said (and I quote), "I'll get bullets." I even have the text to prove it. But then, oh, but then. Christmas day came and nooooooo bullets. He was like a kid with a new toy, but no batteries. It was sad.
(Side story. The night before she had her tonsils taken out we were trying to get her to go to sleep, so I was telling her the story of the three bears. I don't know the story exactly so I make things up such as, "three little bears had been shopping at Target and when they came home somebody had been eating their soup and sleeping in their beds....." Well, because I am easily entertained I always start laughing. Because, y'all. There is something funny to me about the 3 little bears going to Target. Plus I know Adam is rolling his eyes wondering how he got such a sophisticated, mature wife. Anyway, Adam rudely interrupted my beautifully told story by saying, "yeah but it's okay because the daddy bear has a Rugar 40 with 12 bullets in the clip and 1 in the chamber." Reese looked at Adam and said, "momma waughin" (laughing). Yes, baby. Momma almost wet the bed she was laughing so hard.)
She finished off the cookies Santa couldn't manage to eat.
Big Daddy, D.D., Uncle G, MeeMaw and PeePaw all came over for breakfast. I cooked a Pinterest breakfast casserole and store bought cinnamon rolls and biscuits. You can just call me Suzy homemaker;) Just kidding. The casserole was terrible. Mainly because the top of it was burned and the middle was still runny. But the cinnamon rolls? Oh, they were to die for.
Santa left her "wing set" inside. It took all 4 of these grown men to hang the swing. Good thing her daddy and Uncle G had already built the wooden part a month earlier. Notice her little hands in the picture. She is demonstrating how they need to do it;)
Then we went inside and rested until it was time to go to Nanny's for lunch.
And we put my tripod to use and tried for a family photo. This is the best I could get. I'm just glad she is looking at the camera.
Oh my goodness!! The 3 bears story is cracking me up!!