At 14 months:
Weight: 20lbs
Height: I have no idea.
Her hobbies: putting random objects into larger random objects and then taking them out. Over and over and over again. For example- she will find a bowl and put her paci in and out of it. She also enjoys getting a wet wipe and cleaning the floor, table, anything that will stand still. I read on Pinterest to use old wet wipe boxes with scrap pieces of material in them so babies don't waste wipes by pulling them out. Brilliant. She likes to put her head on the floor so I will help her do a front roll. I have high hopes of her being a little gymnast and you can never start too early.
Words she can say: MaMa, DaDa, three, tree, (which sound exactly the same, but when she says 3 she is waiting for something big to happen like her daddy throwing her in the air. When she says tree she points to the Christmas tree.) PawPaw (although she doesn't have a PawPaw), bye, hi, no.
Goes to sleep between 7 and 8 every night and usually gets up between 6 and 7. I rock her to sleep while she plays in my hair. I will have to be institutionalized when she doesn't want me to rock her anymore. If she takes longer than a 30 minute nap I get concerned. Only because that never happens.
She eats pretty much whatever we eat. Plus she eats baby food at night. Usually carrots or sweet potatoes. She loves pickles and grapes. Not together, of course.
She has 4 teeth. 2 on top and 2 on bottom. How mad would it make you for someone to hold up your top lip during your sleep to get a picture of your teeth? I had to document the little gap between them. So sweet.
D.D. got her these pink boots and they are so cute. She was getting ready for her bath and fully prepared to wear them while doing so.
I remember our Christmas tree when the boys turned a year old: it was only half way decorated! The bottom was totally bare!