Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And it begins....

Aside from next Monday (when I am forced back into the real world) yesterday was the day I dreaded most...It was a big day for Reese....drum roll please....she got her first shots:( It was an even bigger day for her momma! It was as though I myself was getting vaccinated. I was as anxious/nervous as the day I had to have my blood taken (or tooken...if you recall that story) 5 times. The nurse told me it would hurt me way more than it hurt her...Kinda like when we were little and got spankings...Momma always said it hurt her worse than I believe it.

First, can I please take this time to bring something up for discussion. I was vaccinated as a child, like most of you I am sure, and I am the first to take a Tylenol when I have a headache....but have you seen the list of shots kids "need" these days? At age 1 children are now given a chickenpox shot. I had the chickenpox and I turned out okay...and actually it made for a couple of humorous stories. Chicken pox ruined our trip to the rodeo that year and I missed "fun week" at school...and let me tell you...this third grader was upset over missing fun week! I have never given much thought to vaccinations until I saw the list of shots kids "need" really is amazing. Then to add to my fears there was a lady in the waiting room (who seemed normal) whose nephew was completely normal until he got his one year shots and now he has all sorts of problems. So....I ask Dr. Cabellero about the risks associated with shots. He confirmed that there have been cases where vaccines caused lasting effects in children, but that there was no need for concern until she gets her 1 year shots. Those are the first to include a live virus in the medicine. Anyway, I am not a wierdo...I thank God for giving us medication....but I think it's something to think about... Are any of you mothers out there concerned about all of these vaccines? Is it just me? Am I crazier than I admit?

So otherwise Dr. C declared that, "she is perfect and if you don't want her I will take her home with me"...(insert Spanish accent). He always comes in the room and says, "Little mother you got yourself a little alarm clock"...(again insert Spanish accent). He also thought it was great that she only gets up once during the night (most of the time) since she drinks breast milk..."breastfed babies usually get up many more times than that"...(insert Spanish accent).
She weighed 11 pounds 5 ounces and was 24 inches long.

After all of that it was time...She smile at the nurse and was so happy when all of her measurements were being taken...

And then after the shots...

But after a little bit of a bottle and she and Mr. Binky were reunited she was happy again...
After this she went on her first trip to the beauty shop where her momma got her hair "did"...because, let me tell you, the kids at C'burg would be sure to let me know next week that my hair was a "hot mess!"


  1. Poor Reese Cup! (and poor Momma too!) I hope that she feels better after those mean ol' shots!

  2. Monday will be hard, but it will get easier after that, I promise. I am very concerned about vaccinations, but have tried not to think about it too much until it's time for those one year shots. I have got to do more research, for sure!!

  3. Poor Reese!!! I know of a couple who does not let their child gets shots all at one time. They spread them out over the months because they were concerned about the effects of them.

  4. I know you're dreading next week. I havent even given birth yet and I dread that day! :(
    Hope you and Reese cup are having a great last week together! I'll be praying for you Monday!!
