I finally finished these letters to go over Reese's bed. They are mediocre at best. And I didn't want to spend a lot on them since I will probably find something cuter that I just have to have within a year.
On Saturday we hosted a baby shower for Allison and Krystal. If nothing else was accomplished my house got cleaned!
A rule that we enforce at our house with semi-regularity is that sweets don't enter our door. 2 of 4 of Adam's grandparents have passed away from diabetes and Big Daddy is also plagued with diabetes. Therefore I make an effort to limit the sugar that we eat. By "we" I mean Adam. I made these candy jars for the shower and the hubby could hardly control himself. He sneaked candy ALL day on Saturday while I threatened to cut his hand off if he ate one more piece. I do it for his own good and I get no respect!
I also got the Cricut out and made these name banners.
Brandi made the cake and impressed the heck out of me! Not only was it cute, but delicious too!
I bought these leg warmers at Target and MeeMaw sewed the pink stuff to the bottom. Reese stared at her feet for the longest time trying to figure out what was on them!
Ya'll, I am just in love with that little face. And I kissed all over it this weekend.
Adam had a fire going in the fire pit. He secretly got excited when it got out and he had to pretend to be a fire fighter again and put it out.

All the girls

Adam got in her good graces by offering her candy which her momma loved:)

Allison getting a little practice. The next time that we get together will be for the birth of Krystal and Zach's Makenna!
Reese has never spent more than 30 seconds outside since it has been so cold since she was born. So I was excited that we had Sunday afternoon with no plans! So we headed to early church. Reese has this smock dress that she hasn't worn so I put it on her. She crumpled it up and pulled on it like she didn't like it. SHE IS MY CHILD!!! I hated nothing more as a child than an "itchy" dress, undergarments, or socks! But just like my momma did me- I made her wear it!
And those little shoes! Now she didn't keep those shoes on more than 2 minutes but that's okay. I got a picture and that is what counts.

After church we headed to Oxford for Brandon aka Little Red's birthday party at the skating rink. Since it was such nice weather we ate outside at Mellow Mushroom. The last time we had eaten there was the week before she was born. Speaking of mediocre- our photography skills leave a lot to be desire.

And here she is at her first skate party.
The birthday boy and his cuz Britton. Do you see why we call him Little Red
Reese and Anna Kate with Brandi
All the girls
Anna Kate would say "hold Reese" which came out "old eese" So cute!
Adam got in her good graces by offering her candy which her momma loved:)
Allison getting a little practice. The next time that we get together will be for the birth of Krystal and Zach's Makenna!
Reese has never spent more than 30 seconds outside since it has been so cold since she was born. So I was excited that we had Sunday afternoon with no plans! So we headed to early church. Reese has this smock dress that she hasn't worn so I put it on her. She crumpled it up and pulled on it like she didn't like it. SHE IS MY CHILD!!! I hated nothing more as a child than an "itchy" dress, undergarments, or socks! But just like my momma did me- I made her wear it!
And those little shoes! Now she didn't keep those shoes on more than 2 minutes but that's okay. I got a picture and that is what counts.
After church we headed to Oxford for Brandon aka Little Red's birthday party at the skating rink. Since it was such nice weather we ate outside at Mellow Mushroom. The last time we had eaten there was the week before she was born. Speaking of mediocre- our photography skills leave a lot to be desire.

And here she is at her first skate party.
The birthday boy and his cuz Britton. Do you see why we call him Little Red